Latest Episodes

Eternity is Secure
Chris Wall • John 10:1-6 When it comes to the human story of salvation, Jesus is the real hero. Salvation begins, sustains, and ends...

The Let Down Promise
Chad Balthrop • John 3:1-21 Did you hear? With this new exercise program, you’ll lose weight and look better! This new vitamin will make...

Smokey Hurst No one likes to wait. We want what we want when we want it, and we want what we want right now!...

Chad Balthrop • Isaiah 37:5-7 This world is full of trouble. Family is complicated. The nation’s misguided. Even in success, anxiety is high. When...

Overcoming Temptation
Chris Wall • Hebrews 12:1-4 This challenge in Hebrews 12 is a perfect follow-up to critical warnings from the Minor Prophets. Our Old Testament...

Overview of Hosea
Chris Wall • Hosea 14:9 Hosea is a vivid and graphic picture of the disobedience of God’s people. We experience salvation by grace that...