Latest Episodes

The Wrap Up
Chris Wall • John 20:30-31

A Growing Vision of Jesus
Chris Wall • John 1:14 The Word showed up in the flesh and dwelt among us. For the first time in world history, the...

The Miracle Birth Revelation
Chris Wall • John 1:14 The Word showed up in the flesh and dwelt among us. For the first time in world history, the...

Only Jesus - The Facts
Chris Wall • John 1:6-13 Prior to the birth of Christ, God sent John the Baptist as a forerunner to the birth of Christ....

Introducing Jesus
Chris Wall • John 1:1-5 Jesus is God, born to deliver mankind from death and darkness. This first message of the Christmasseason, we must...

Overcoming Failure
Chris Wall • John 21:20-25 Everybody experiences failure. And everybody experiences the fear of failure. The very fear of failing paralyzes people, becoming a...