Chris Wall • John 13:1-3
Jesus moves into the Upper Room discourse with a dramatic call to servanthood. This was an unexpected and humble act of service that symbolized the washing of regeneration (forgiveness) given to all who believe. John 13:14-17 moves from what Jesus did to what we should do for one another. “If you know these things, happy are you if you do them.” The gospel continues to radically impact our lives one person at a time. Nothing earns the credibility to share the gospel like humbling serving people expecting nothing in return. God is calling our church to a unified heart so that we can more effectively serve one another.
Chris Wall • Matthew 16:13-20 Jesus Christ is the hope of the world and the Church is His plan for sharing that hope with...
You’ve heard the stories. A successful business owner struggles with the depression that comes from never having enough. A prominent actor takes their own...
Chris Wall • Nehemiah 1-2 ESVGod is faithful to advance His Kingdom in the world and invites us to join Him in the process....