
Episode 7 September 30, 2024 00:48:18
First Baptist Owasso

Sep 30 2024 | 00:48:18


Show Notes

Chad Balthrop • John 15:4-9

Some people just aren’t that comfortable in their own skin. They feel like they bring the “awkward” everywhere they go. When we first meet, should we shake hands, fist bump, or high-five?

But for some people, social anxiety is about more than the occasional awkward interaction. The bigger the crowd the greater the stress. They feel so out of place that they deceive themselves into thinking that everything would be better if they could just redefine their entire identity.
In John 15, Jesus reveals an incredible truth. In Jesus, we have a new identity. Because of who He is and what He’s done, because He’s made Himself known to us, we can know who we are in Christ.

And when you know who you are, you’ll know what to do.
It's the satisfying fruit that abundantly grows when we learn to abide.

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