Chris Wall • John 8:10-12
A Divine plan was implemented in Jesus being sent to the world revealing the light of salvation. John 8 describes a transformative confrontation with the scribes and Pharisees as they come to grips with their need for salvation. God issues a call to genuine repentance, resulting in a turning away from sin, leading to the internal light of life. Is that light of life in you? Jesus shared this light with the world. Our church is SENT to do the same. Today, look deeply in your heart for the Light of Life.
If your life was a parable, a small story with a big meaning, what lesson would we learn? Jesus often taught in parables, simple...
Chris Wall • John 21:1-19 When your confidence is crushed, Jesus can restore your hope. Life is messy. It’s easy to be distracted by...
Chris Wall • Romans 5:1-11 The Definition of ad·vent [ad-vent] noun1. a coming into place, view, or being; arrival: the advent of the holiday...