Chris Wall • John 13:36 - 14:6
Belief creates the confidence that Christ is coming to take us home. Peter promises to go where he goes. Thomas confesses he doesn’t know where Jesus will go. What you believe about Jesus determines the view you have of heaven. Heaven isn’t a place you go. It’s the home Jesus prepared for you. It’s the home he
takes you to. Know this: Jesus is the way (to heaven), the truth (about heaven), and the life (eternal in heaven).
What began as a small movement in a little known Roman province grew into a worldwide, history-defining, eternity-changing group of people we call the...
Chris Wall • 1 Corinthians 12:12-27 When Jesus established the church, he was not launching a building campaign. He was not describing an organization....
Chris Wall • Matthew 16:13-20 Jesus Christ is the hope of the world and the Church is His plan for sharing that hope with...