Chris Wall • 1 Corinthians 15:42-58
It is good for us to take the time to process how mankind was created in the image of God. This realization produces in us a profound sense of dignity in life. Even though the image of God is currently distorted because of sin, the journey of being transformed into God’s image moves us to respect the image bearer. God decided to offer the gift of salvation to His image bearers because He loved us so deeply. His work of salvation includes men and women from every tribe, race, language, and people group (Revelation 5:9). God always completes what He starts. His work of redemption will not be completed until our entire being is set free from the effects of the fall and brought to that state of perfection God intended for us. The day we are glorified will be an incredible day for all of us because, on that day our last enemy, death itself
will be destroyed and the follower of Christ will be completely restored to God’s image. (1 Corinthians 15:25-26)
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