Love is Patient and Kind

Episode 2 June 28, 2021 00:42:49
Love is Patient and Kind
First Baptist Owasso
Love is Patient and Kind

Jun 28 2021 | 00:42:49


Show Notes

Chris Wall • 1 Corinthians 13:1-4a ESV

Have you ever met someone who naturally assumes the worst? That person will usually see other people negatively. That person will usually be quick tempered because they assume the worse. That person will usually be basically a judgmental person and will often fall short on both patience and kindness. The truth is, we have a choice of how we will view each other. We can choose to let our natural inclination be negative or positive. We can choose patience. We can choose kindness. Agape love is the act of living out the character qualities of God in how we approach God and others. There is nothing easy about this, but it is a level God has called us to.

It is the entire point of 1 Corinthians 13. Patience is possible when we remember how patient God has been with us. Kindness is a reaction when God’s kindness is recognized. None of us will be more patient or kind than God has already been with each one of us. If we are going to develop patience and kindness, we've got to learn to listen. Patience and kindness treat others the way we want to be treated. When a person is patience and kind, that person is acting like a child of God.

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