Love Is: Peaceful

Episode 5 July 21, 2021 00:43:34
Love Is: Peaceful
First Baptist Owasso
Love Is: Peaceful

Jul 21 2021 | 00:43:34


Show Notes

Chris Wall • 1 Corinthians 13:1-5 ESV
This message keys in on a part of this passage, 1 Corinthians 13:5, which says "Love is not easily angered." Let’s pay attention to the fact that it doesn't say 'love never gets angry' because there are sometimes that love does get angry. Sometimes the loving thing to do is to get angry. It says that "Love is not easilybangered". Anger comes in many ways. Sometimes anger expresses itself in explosions but sometimes it just simmers below the surface until some choice moment. Sometimes it ignores. Sometimes it complains and gripes. Sometimes it withdraws into bitterness. No matter how you express your anger, so many relationships go down the tubes because one or both didn’t control it. Learning how to control our anger may be one of the most important things we can do in improving our love for others.

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