Chris Wall • John 21:20-25
Everybody experiences failure. And everybody experiences the fear of failure. The very fear of failing paralyzes people, becoming a self-fulfilling prophecy. When you give in to the fear of failure, you usually fail. When you do it all your life, your life becomes filled with example after example of failure simply because you become afraid to even try. You cannot please God and live your life playing it safe. Peter’s decision to follow Jesus is big. This decision reveals how following Jesus shows us what it looks like to overcome failure.
A reluctant King.An underestimated boy.A nation unwilling to hear the heart of God. It's not a fairy tale or an ancient story of kingdoms...
Chris Wall • 2 Samuel 7 A man of victory;A man of courage;A man of scandal;A man after God's own heart. To win this...
Chris Wall • Genesis 1:26-28Man, out of all the creatures God made, can claim to be made in God’s image. As stated earlier, the...