Chris Wall • John 19:16-37
In this passage, John highlights four direct messianic prophecies that took place on the
cross completely outside of the prophets control. Christ completed the work of
redemption on the cross. In verse 30, Jesus says, “It is finished” or “It has been
accomplished”. On the cross, the penalty of sin has been completely served. The price
of redemption is completely paid. The justice of God is completely satisfied. The
deliverance of sinners is completely secured. You can be confident in who Jesus is. You
can be confident in what He has done. You can be confident in what He is doing. It is
passion week – who will you point to Jesus this week?
What drives the decisions you make? Where is the trajectory of your life talking you? One step forward. Two steps back? Every choice draws...
Chris Wall • Colossians 2:11-17 The church at Colossae was dealing with false teaching coming from multiple fronts. There was the challenge of oriental...
Chris Wall • Revelation 3:1-6 ESV First Baptist Owasso is a church committed to community. We are living life together walking through the ups...