Chad Balthrop • Luke 23:33-43 ESV
The birth of Jesus was real. God became flesh, wrapped in swaddling clothes, and laid in a manger. The precious gift of this child, celebrated by kings and angels, grew to become a man on mission. He came to save His people from their sin. Every gift has a price. This one cost Him everything.
Misael Gonzalez • 1 Peter 2:1-8 NIV When something is being Forged, the impurities are being removed and the object is being molded into...
Misael Gonzalez • Colossians 1:15-17 Worshiping God becomes much more profound when we know the magnitude of who Jesus is as the Author, Creator,...
Anthony Scott • John 17:13-21 Jesus Christ is the hope of the world and the Church is His plan for sharing that hope with...