Chris Wall • John 4:1-6
The woman at the well is a fascinating reminder for us to see the world like Jesus. The disciples are busy making preparation for ministry all the while missing the real ministry right in front of them. Jesus engages this woman who was broken, lost, but still deeply loved by God. In this passage, you see the urgency of Christ to bring salvation to the entire world. We are called to notice the harvest right in front of us. Jesus came bringing salvation to the world. His plan to deliver that message is by the Holy Spirit through witnesses. We are the witnesses called to notice people and share the message of salvation to others.
Chris Wall • Revelation 2:1-7 ESV Our church has been planted in Owasso and Tulsa to "Love All people to Christ, equipping them on...
Wilson Geisler Testimony
Chris Wall • John 7:37-53 The scene continues at the Feast of Tabernacles in Jerusalem. On the last day, Jesus stands and proclaims that...