Chris Wall • I Kings 18:16-46
Elijah and Obadiah had a front row seat to one of the most powerful spiritual showdowns in the history of the world. 850 pagan prophets showed up to face off with Elijah on Mt. Carmel. Both Elijah and Obadiah played important roles as God showed up in a big way. This Old Testament showdown has a lot to teach us as we live out a gospel adventure as Ambassadors for Christ.
A reluctant King. An underestimated boy. A nation unwilling to hear the heart of God. It's not a fairy tale or an ancient story...
Chald Balthrop • John 4:21:39 What are you looking for? There’s a simple truth that’s easy to forget. Generally, people find what they’re looking...
Chris Wall • John 13:36 - 14:6 Belief creates the confidence that Christ is coming to take us home. Peter promises to go where...