Latest Episodes
Good Soil - Engaging the Political World - Chris Wall - 2-10-2019
What began as a small movement in a little known Roman province grew into a worldwide, history-defining, eternity-changing group of people we call the...
Good Soil - The Right Kind of Witness - Chris Wall - 2-3-2019
What began as a small movement in a little known Roman province grew into a worldwide, history-defining, eternity-changing group of people we call the...
Good Soil - The Lord is Near - Rob Lewis - 1-27-2019
What began as a small movement in a little known Roman province grew into a worldwide, history-defining, eternity-changing group of people we call the...
Good Soil - Good Suffering - Chris Wall - 1-20-2019
What began as a small movement in a little known Roman province grew into a worldwide, history-defining, eternity-changing group of people we call the...
Good Soil - The Testimony Tactic - Chris Wall - 1-13-2019
What began as a small movement in a little known Roman province grew into a worldwide, history-defining, eternity-changing group of people we call the...
Good Soil - All In - Chris Wall - 1-6-2019
What began as a small movement in a little known Roman province grew into a worldwide, history-defining, eternity-changing group of people we call the...