Latest Episodes

Arrested for the World
Misael Gonzalez • John 18:1-14 When you learn about big events in world history, no one can deny how the crucifixion of Christ stands...

One Question at a Time
Chris Wall • John 3:14-36 One question at a time – Lostness is the greatest human problem while faith in Christalone remains the only...

One Leader at a Time
Chris Wall • John 3:1-13 Salvation comes when a person is “Born again”. The principles in this conversation with Nicodemus are clear. Religious credentials...

One Conflict at a Time
Stoney Hurst • John 2:13-22 Many of our thoughts and ideas of who Jesus was/is have been shaped by our culture and our desires...

One Party at a Time
Chris Wall • John 2:1-11 Jesus and his disciples have been invited to a wedding. Jesus’ mother seems to beinvolved, so it may be...

One Step at a Time
Chris Wall • John 1:43-51 God is faithful to prepare every heart for His Spirit to work. The work of God is not up...