Chris Wall • Ezra 9-10
Repentance must become our loudest praise. Ezra 9-10 is a difficult passage that must not just be casually read with a 2021 mentality. The ending of Ezra paints one of the most beautiful pictures of repentance. The sad truth is that every one of God's people will rebel against the Lord at some point. When rebellion takes place, repentance is the call. Ezra 9-10 shows us what that looks like.
Chris Wall • I Kings 18:16-46 Elijah and Obadiah had a front row seat to one of the most powerful spiritual showdowns in the...
Chad Balthrop • Hebrews 9:11-22 Fingerprints, facial recognition, and DNA - each provides a unique identifier that is built into your God-given design. Scripture...
Chris Wall • Nehemiah 9 ESV The posture of repentance in Chapter 9 of Nehemiah is a big shift from the celebration that took...