Chris Wall • Acts 1:4-11
The resurrection of Christ changed the world. The resurrection of Christ changed our world. However, when you think about those historical events that took place in the First Century, it is puzzling that God's plan from the beginning was for Jesus to bodily leave the earth. At first glance, it seems like a strange plan. In all reality, the ascension of Christ is a key hinge moment in the plan of God. It is the fact that the ascension took place that helps us understand the totality of the work of Christ.
This Easter, we are going to celebrate one of the greatest resurrection encounters in Scripture. It is an encounter that is not only fascinating to consider on an Easter Sunday, it is an encounter that helps us get ready for that critical meeting on the calendar of every person to have ever been born. This message will help us all get ready to see God face to face.
Chris Wall • 1 Corinthians 13:1-4a ESV Have you ever met someone who naturally assumes the worst? That person will usually see other people...
Misael Gonzalez • Acts 9:1-19 Have you ever been so mad that you acted out of hate? Saul, the man in this portion of...
Chris Wall • Ezekiel 33:1-33 All believers are called to be faithful gospel witnesses to the places we live, work and play. We can’t...