Chris Wall • John 2:18-27
For many believers and non-believers alike, the mere mention of the 2nd coming of Christ strikes paralyzing fear. It is a fact, God is leading the world to its proper end. It is also a fact that the situations and circumstances surrounding the 2nd Coming of Jesus come with revealed and certain challenges. At the same time, those entrusted to serve the Lord during those days have the great blessing and privileges of abiding in Christ every step of the way.
Chris Wall • John 4:46-54 God is powerfully working…RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW, giving us the RIGHT HOPE, because He is the RIGHT SOURCE, with...
Chris Wall • Hosea 14:9 Hosea is a vivid and graphic picture of the disobedience of God’s people. We experience salvation by grace that...
Chris Wall • John 20:30-31