Chris Wall • Revelation 4:1-11
The Bible is clear that the King will return. The Scriptures reveal that there will be a generation called to physically witness the return of Christ. Regardless if our generation has that calling or we are called to join the Lord prior to His return, Heaven is the place being prepared as our eternal home. God is faithful to open the window of Heaven allowing us to peak inside. Revelation 4 is one of those places. This is one of those passages that gives us confidence in the Lord and real hope for the experience of eternity with the Lord. May we all be ready for the Experience of Heaven!!!
Chris Wall • Genesis 4:1-12 Radical Obedience is a call God gives to every believer. As we learn to give, God moves, provides, and...
A reluctant King.An underestimated boy.A nation unwilling to hear the heart of God. It's not a fairy tale or an ancient story of kingdoms...
Christ Wall • John 17:6-19 Paying attention to the prayers of Jesus produces lasting results. The night before the Crucifixion, God brought this prayer...