Chris Wall • 1 Peter 2:1-12 NIV
When we you were born the first time, you were helpless, completely dependent, and vulnerable. The moment you are born again a spiritual battle kicks off. Amazingly, God prepares us for the battle. He equips us for the struggle. Spiritual birth is the greatest gift a person can receive producing the greatest adventure a person can live. Don’t miss the gift of new birth and the new life extended to you right now. Have you been BORN AGAIN? If so, Let’s get to work.
A reluctant King.An underestimated boy.A nation unwilling to hear the heart of God. It's not a fairy tale or an ancient story of kingdoms...
Smokey Hurst • John 12:1-8 What does a passionate personal response to Jesus actually look like? What does a passionate personal response to reject...
Chris Wall • John 1:14 The Word showed up in the flesh and dwelt among us. For the first time in world history, the...