Misael Gonzalez • 1 Peter 2:1-8 NIV
When something is being Forged, the impurities are being removed and the object is being molded into something new. In this process, you will never see someone throw impurities back into the object because it would ruin or poison the material. So here is the question… Do you seek to be strengthened by God, or are you poisoning yourself?
It is the foundation of our faith, seed we pray falls on Good Soil, the source of our victory in the Good Fight. It...
Steve Dighton • Ezra 4:1-6 ESV It was James who reminded us to count it joy when tough times come. JOY??? It is true...
What began as a small movement in a little known Roman province grew into a worldwide, history-defining, eternity-changing group of people we call the...