Chris Wall • 1 Chronicles 1:1-10
It is worth our time thinking deeply on the story of God’s people. 1 Chronicles spends nine chapters chronicling families. Since we know that All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, this part of Scripture shows how your family’s story has great worth. In fact, as we develop a gameplan for a godly family, we will be certain to pass on the treasure of faithfulness to those coming behind us. Following Christ produces a powerful family legacy that is truly storyworth.
Christmas is a season to celebrate the greatest gift ever given - a babe, wrapped in swaddling clothes and laying in a manger. This...
Chad Balthrop • Mark 8:22-26 We all have friends. We support and encourage one another. We enjoy the same things. Yet sometimes, our friends...
Chad Balthrop • Romans 8:1-39 The stories we tell matter. Some people only focus on the positive parts of their story. They see the...