
Episode 5 May 15, 2023 00:45:42
First Baptist Owasso

May 15 2023 | 00:45:42


Show Notes

Chris Wall • Matthew 28:16-22

The Resurrection of Christ is without a doubt the focal point of human history. That moment in time changed everything. In that moment, God defeated sin and death. And, he also proved to be Lord of All. Jesus had completely captivated the attention of the Disciples and now they were ready to hear His Great Commission. It was time for the entire world to hear the Good News of Jesus. The Savior had come and His plan was to pass on the news one life at a time. Jesus directed His disciples to a mountain in Galilee and called them to “Go”. Today, that call remains. Just like the disciples listening to this Great Commission for the first time, The Holy Spirit is still speaking to all who have come to know Christ: “You Gotta Go too”. Are you ready?

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