Chad Balthrop • 1 Samuel 24:1-7
We've all experienced them. Some moments set the direction and course of our lives forever. Sometimes we recognize them as they come. But most frequently, we only see them clearly long after the decisions are made. When bad things happen to us; when good things are showered on us; in the heat of the moment, we make our choices from the character of who we are. While God works out His promises, we work in His character. Our lives are the waiting.
Chris Wall • Colossians 1:1-8 The core of Christianity is the gospel. The heart of every gospel centered Christian is urgency and clarity with...
Chris Wall • Colossians 3:18-21 Faith in Christ does not only change individual lives; it changes entire families. We now live in a day...
What drives the decisions you make? Where is the trajectory of your life talking you? One step forward. Two steps back? Every choice draws...