Chris Wall • John 3:14-36
One question at a time – Lostness is the greatest human problem while faith in Christ
alone remains the only means to cure that problem. Coming to grips with salvation by
faith is a core biblical teaching. Many today still follow the idea that one can earn their
own way to eternity. Nicodemus was baffled by this news that even he needed to be
saved from his sin. Salvation is by faith alone in Christ alone. Whoever comes will be
born again. After that new birth takes place, the Holy Spirit starts to produce
supernatural works producing radical change.
You’ve heard the stories. A successful business owner struggles with the depression that comes from never having enough. A prominent actor takes their own...
Chad Balthrop · Song of Solomon 8:5-14 Our world is filled with wonders. Nothing is more wondrous than finding that person who seems made...
Chad Balthrop • 1 Peter 1:17-25 NKJV It doesn’t seem fair. The food that tastes the best is bad for us. The things we...