Chris Wall • John 3:1-13
Salvation comes when a person is “Born again”. The principles in this conversation with Nicodemus are clear. Religious credentials are not sufficient to save a person from the wrath of God. New Birth is the only way a person can experience the hope of eternal life. Still to this day, many are confused about the path to eternal life. Many still try to do more good than bad trying to somehow earn their way to heaven. Nicodemus came to realize that even his religious fervor could not transform him from the inside out. His religious effort could not bridge the gap to God. He needed Jesus. He needed to be born again. Do you know that you are going to heaven? Are you born again?
A reluctant King. An underestimated boy. A nation unwilling to hear the heart of God. It’s not a fairy tale or n ancient story...
Chris Wall • Matthew 27:62 - 28:15 Seconds after Jesus proclaimed from the cross, “It is Finished”, remarkablethings took place. Immediately there was an...
Chris Wall • 2 Samuel 24 A man of victory;A man of courage;A man of scandal;A man after God's own heart. To win this...