If your life was a parable, a small story with a big meaning, what lesson would we learn? Jesus often taught in parables, simple stories that open the eyes of the foolish, profound tales that confound the wise. This fall, discover the kingdom of God. Deepen the strength of your faith. Draw close to the One who saves. PARABLES We’re all stories in the end.
Chris Wall • I Kings 18:16-46 Elijah and Obadiah had a front row seat to one of the most powerful spiritual showdowns in the...
Chris Wall • 1 Peter 4:12-19 NIV From the very beginning time, God has pointed His people to live each day with heaven in...
Chris Wall • Romans 5:1-11 The Definition of ad·vent [ad-vent] noun1. a coming into place, view, or being; arrival: the advent of the holiday...