Chad Balthrop • John 7:1-9
If you have a brother, you know. “You think you’re something special!? Prove it!” Let’s be honest: even beyond sibling rivalry, we don’t like being told what to do. Sure, give me advice. Help me achieve my goals. But insert the word “should,” tell me I have to? It’s the quickest way to get me to go the other way.
In the days before Jesus was crucified, he encountered people who couldn’t get past their doubt, dissatisfaction, defeats, disagreements, or denial—even his brothers. Yet Jesus kept confidently living a God-given plan. He kept moving toward His redemptive purpose. He met people where they were and challenged them to take their next step of faith.
And now, the One sent to save the world sends you.
Chris Wall • Revelation 2:18-29 ESV Our church works diligently to understand and live by the Word of God in every area of our...
Chris Wall • Nehemiah 10 All through history, God has established, maintained, and sustained a Covenant with His people. A covenant is a divinely...
Bigger than your biggest. Deeper than your darkest. Greater than your grandest. One week defines them all. You might describe what's happening in our...