Chris Wall • John 1:19-34
John the Baptist was the physical forerunner of the Messiah. In response to this curiosity, the religious leaders sent out a group of priests fishing for information on the unique work unfolding before their eyes. John’s life was changed and his message can be summarized in this remarkable statement: “Here is the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world! Jesus is the Lamb of God who became the worthy sacrifice for your sin and mine. Our guilt no longer remains which enables us to live free from the power and penalty of sin. The Holy Spirit rests on us because the moment you trusted Christ He rests on you and in you. Let’s learn from John’s life and John’s message.
Chris Wall • John 3:14-36 One question at a time – Lostness is the greatest human problem while faith in Christalone remains the only...
Chad Balthrop • John 6:22-24 Our appetites can fuel our strengths or feed our vices. On the day after He fed the 5000, the...
Chris Wall • 1 Peter 2:9-12 Discover the influence of the local church in the world through this new community established by Christ. The...