Chris Wall • Galatians 5:16-26
The gathered church is the God-ordained environment where the fruit of the Spirit is cultivated and the fruit of the flesh is defeated. For fruit to grow, the environment matters. Just as fruit cannot grow in every climate. The fruit of the Spirit is meant to grow in a specific setting. In the gathered church, there is a safety net of relationships, accountability, and resources. It is in the gathered church where we learn to overcome that internal battle of the flesh resulting in a life that walks by the Spirit.
Chris Wall • Luke 18:31-34 ESV The death and resurrection of Christ was bigger than just physically coming back to life. When Jesus rose...
Chris Wall • Genesis 1:26-28Man, out of all the creatures God made, can claim to be made in God’s image. As stated earlier, the...
Chris Wall • Revelation 2:1-7 ESV Our church has been planted in Owasso and Tulsa to "Love All people to Christ, equipping them on...