Chris Wall • Mark 13:1-13
Jesus Christ is coming again. Like the old song says: "It may be morning, it may be noon. It may be evening but it's surely soon." Of course, no one knows the day or the hour but as we read our Bibles, it sure looks like the season. As we consider this imminent truth, let's not forget that Jesus did not just tell us He was coming, but He also prepared us for His coming. Mark 13 is one of those moments in Scripture. Are you ready for Christ to come again?
Chad Balthrop • Isaiah 37:5-7 This world is full of trouble. Family is complicated. The nation’s misguided. Even in success, anxiety is high. When...
Chris Wall • 1 Corinthians 13:1-4a ESV Have you ever met someone who naturally assumes the worst? That person will usually see other people...
Chris Wall • 1 Corinthians 12:12-27 When Jesus established the church, he was not launching a building campaign. He was not describing an organization....