Chris Wall • John 20:11-18
Throughout history, there have been “big moments”, but there is not a more important moment in human history bigger than the resurrection of Christ. Nothing brought more extreme change to humanity than the day when Christ conquered the grave. It not only stands as the most radical event in history, it remains the focal point of human history. Literally days after that event, Jesus physically appeared to men and women completely convincing them of His power over life, death and the availability of forgiveness. From the very beginning, there was no doubt Jesus was and is the Messiah. We, like these early disciples are convinced of His resurrection power and we join with them in passionately, faithfully, and sacrificially passing on this good news of forgiveness available to all who would simply believe.
Chad Balthrop • Matthew 5:14-16 All Christians are under obligation to seek to make the will of Christ supreme in our own lives and...
Chad Balthrop • John 6:22-24 Our appetites can fuel our strengths or feed our vices. On the day after He fed the 5000, the...
Stoney Hurst • John 2:13-22 Many of our thoughts and ideas of who Jesus was/is have been shaped by our culture and our desires...