Chris Wall • Nehemiah 11-12 ESV
God is at work in our church and in our world right now. As God works, He fully intends to accomplish His work through normal people like you and me. It is surprising, but God chose to start the process of working in the world through building churches. Ever church that God starts is made up of seemingly insignificant people who have normal lives and normal problems. Despite all that, God promised the gates of hell would not prevail against His church and it will stand faithfully to the very end. In Nehemiah 11-12, the celebration in the city clearly points to the call we have in our church. Let's live this out.
It is the foundation of our faith, seed we pray falls on Good Soil, the source of our victory in the Good Fight. It...
Chad Balthrop • 1 Peter 5:6-14 Great stories come out of great struggles. Scripture reminds us that God set our boundaries in pleasant places....
Chad Balthrop • 1 Samuel 24:1-7 We've all experienced them. Some moments set the direction and course of our lives forever. Sometimes we recognize...