Chris Wall • Isaiah 9:1-7
The prophet Isaiah in both Chapter 8 and 9 discusses the reality of the human condition. The message of Christianity and the Bible communicates how things really are worse than they appear. People really are desperate for meaning and direction. The human situation really is hopeless, It really is darker than we care to admit. This is the honest truth and everyone really gets it when they think about it. However, in spite of this inescapable dark reality, the message of Christmas is that LIGHT has come from outside this world exposing the seriousness of the human condition while revealing the path to hope, peace, comfort and complete salvation. Light came into the world.
Chad Balthrop • Romans 8:1-39 The stories we tell matter. Some people only focus on the positive parts of their story. They see the...
Chad Balthrop • 1 Peter 1:17-25 NKJV It doesn’t seem fair. The food that tastes the best is bad for us. The things we...
Chris Wall • Psalms 9:1-10 We live in a sin-impacted world and the repercussions are causing tensions to rise. Cold wars are beginning to...